Monday, August 25, 2014

Dangerous Creatures of Spain

Things to look out for in the Spanish countryside, rural towns and the beaches

Apart from bears, wild boars, packs of wolves, sharks and some crazy drivers. Spain has other dangerous and small nasty creatures on offer. Here are a few people should be aware of and their children and pets in particular should be protected from.

The Procession Caterpillar, Mediterranean Scorpion, 13 Snake Spices, Spiders, Weaver Fish, Fire Salamanders and Scorpion Fish to name a few.

The Procession Caterpillar

(Thaumetopoea Pityocampa)

pine moth Processionary live and feed on pine trees they move on to other pine trees and travel in a line, hence the name. They are noticeable from January to April.
Don’t go near them! They are covered with histamine tipped needles. And are extremely dangerous to animals. Dogs in particular fall foul of them usually from sniffing and licking their trail. If you can see them you are to close.

The Sea Nettle Jellyfish (Pelagia Noctiluca)

Common in Spain difficult to see but you will know when you come into contact with them they sting and can leave you with scars. Medical attention will be required.

Mediterranean Scorpion

(Buthus Occitanus - Escorpion Amarillo)

Scorpion Like the black Scorpion this yellow scorpion will not kill you but the pain is intense and the area affected can go black and remain painful for some time, best to always check your foot-ware they have a habit of hiding in shoes.

The European Black Scorpion (Euscorpius Flavicaudis)

Mainly in the northern part of Spain. The sting is very painful but not deadly to humans.

There are thirteen snake spices in Spain

Only five are venomous: 

 Seoane's Viper (Vipere Seoanei) Thought to be the most dangerous snake in spain can be found all over. 


 False smooth snake Venomous snake found in open, sandy deciduous and evergreen woodland, scrub-land, sandy areas, meadows, plantations, cultivated land and in stone ruins. 

False smooth snake Venomous snake found in open, sandy deciduous and evergreen woodland, scrub-land, sandy areas, meadows, plantations, cultivated land and in stone ruins.


 Montpellier Snake (Culebra bastarda) Lifts and flattens it's head when threatened and emits a loud and persistent hiss. The venom can create symptoms including numbness, stiffness, swelling and possibly fever usually passing after a few hours. 
 Asp Viper (Vipere aspis) Rare, has a painful bite that is deadly. 

Spiders 1,700 species in Spain

Jumping Spider Jumping Spiders
Zebra Jumping Spider is common in most homes and although it is not in its nature to bite, it can do so with a result no more excessive than a bee sting.

Black Widow (Latrodectus mactans)
They can be found in the Valencian Region and give a nasty Venamous bite but none fatal. Medical attention will be required.

Mediterranean recluse spider ( Loxosceles rufescens ), less toxic than its African recluse cousins, can give a painful nip.

Funnel Web (Hexathelidae)
Do exist in Spain but are said to be of the type less Venamous as those in Australia.

They too are in Spain they look a lot scary than the potensey of their bite.

Colorful Jumping...

Colorful Jumping Spider on a Green Leaf

Weaver Fish (Echiichthys Vipere)

weaver They bury themselves in the sand and wait for there pray. Humans stand on them, they have a poisonous dorsal fin and have been known to kill very painful sting.

Vomiting, tremors, abdominal cramps, light headedness, aching joints and numbness are a few of the symptoms caused by the weaver fish sting.

Scorpion Fish

Large Scale Scorpion Fish (Scorpaena Scrofa), Tamariu, Costa Brava, Mediterranean Sea, Spain

Fire Salamanders

(Salamandra salamandra)

Very distinctive don’t get to close to this creature, it can discharge poison.

European Fire Salamander

Close-Up of a Salamander (European Fire Salamander)

The Mosquito (Culicidae)

mozy The Mosquito (Culicidae)
Encephalitis, Yellow fever, Malaria can be passed on via painful bites and now in Spain the bites can be even more painful thanks to the arrival of the Tiger Mosquito. The Tiger Mosquito is said to be aggressive, attacks in the daytime and resides in gardens. It can transmit a list of major diseases, Including Nile fever and Dengue.

Sand Flies (Leishmaniasis)
Normally found in gardens or wooded areas not as the name suggest exclusive to beach areas.
They are most active from dusk till down 2am to 4am August is the worst month. Painful bite and are dangerous to pets. Dogs can get Kala-Azule past on from dog-to-dog via its bite. A collar called ‘Scalibor’ can be worn to protect your dog and give over 90% protection from sand fly bites. The world health authority is researching into the possibility that the disease can be passed on to humans.

Carry several types of human pathogens, 33 types of bacteria and six kinds parasitic worms. They can also course asthma.

A Tiger Mosquito

A Tiger Mosquito Feeding on Human Blood (Aedes Albopictus)

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