Robin Hood Country
October came with fog and a giant Goose erected on a roundabout adjacent to a large recreation ground we called the forest. Kids at school started to become excited at the prospect of going to the fair. The main question on children's lips in the playground, 'are you going on the Thursday night, Friday or Saturday'.
Goose Fair
I can remember the excitement and the fear of being amongst so many
people, flashing lights, the mixture of whirling noises and music. The
strange food smells, watching where you stepped through a muddy ground,
and trying to remember the place where my mother said to meet if I got
lost. For me so young winning a bow and arrow set on the hook a duck
stand and eating my favourite food was the biggest buzz of the year.
I’m not talking about candy floss, Brandy snaps, toffee apples or the smell of the onions on the hot dog stalls, but hot mushy peas with mint sauce. Synonymous with Nottingham as pie mash and liquor is in the east end of London.
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I’m not talking about candy floss, Brandy snaps, toffee apples or the smell of the onions on the hot dog stalls, but hot mushy peas with mint sauce. Synonymous with Nottingham as pie mash and liquor is in the east end of London.
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Goose Fair Boxing
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Image Shearart
Mushy Peas
- 1 tablespoon Vinegar
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- A bunch of spring onions
- finely chopped
- A handful of fresh mint leaves finely chopped
- 500 grams (1 pound) frozen marrow fat peas
- 2 large knobs of butter
- Freshly ground black pepper and sea salt
Pour the olive oil in a pan and heat adding the mint, chopped onions and peas. Leave covered for a few minutes to steam. Add the vinegar and mash smooth with a potato masher. Season to taste and add the butter.Nottingham Goose Fair, Panoramic View 1890s.
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