Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Goose Fair Nottingham

Robin Hood Country

Christmas as a child was always the biggest holiday to look forward to closely followed by birthdays. Easter meant chocolate eggs and when we were really young a decorated boiled egg for breakfast. Living in Nottingham had the added treat of goose fair every third Thursday in October.

October came with fog and a giant Goose erected on a roundabout adjacent to a large recreation ground we called the forest. Kids at school started to become excited at the prospect of going to the fair. The main question on children's lips in the playground, 'are you going on the Thursday night, Friday or Saturday'.

Goose Fair

I can remember the excitement and the fear of being amongst so many people, flashing lights, the mixture of whirling noises and music. The strange food smells, watching where you stepped through a muddy ground, and trying to remember the place where my mother said to meet if I got lost. For me so young winning a bow and arrow set on the hook a duck stand and eating my favourite food was the biggest buzz of the year.

I’m not talking about candy floss, Brandy snaps, toffee apples or the smell of the onions on the hot dog stalls, but hot mushy peas with mint sauce. Synonymous with Nottingham as pie mash and liquor is in the east end of London.

Image Source

Goose Fair Boxing My grandmother was Irish and she had eleven brothers all who were Boxes and one boxed at Goose fair in the 70's and 80's.

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Image Shearart

Mushy Peas


  • 1 tablespoon Vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • A bunch of spring onions
  • finely chopped
  • A handful of fresh mint leaves finely chopped
  • 500 grams (1 pound) frozen marrow fat peas
  • 2 large knobs of butter
  • Freshly ground black pepper and sea salt


Pour the olive oil in a pan and heat adding the mint, chopped onions and peas. Leave covered for a few minutes to steam. Add the vinegar and mash smooth with a potato masher. Season to taste and add the butter.

Goose Fair History

Nottingham Goose Fair, Panoramic View 1890s.

Goose fair today runs from Wednesday to Sunday over 700 years old it is still held at the forest recreation ground and it still has a hook a duck, the waltzer and over 500 hundred other attractions to marvel at. I recently spoke to a friend that takes her children to the Goose fair and the cuisine has changed. Chinese food, Spanish churros, Indian Curries, everything you can find in a shopping centre food court is on offer. The side shows are gone and the main emphasis is on the biggest and baldest rides. For me I’ll have hot peas and the dodgem cars every time, but the helter skelter “tornado slide” was a childhood favourite.

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Saturday, September 6, 2014

My First Car

Car or Motorbike?

At eighteen years of age, the last car I would expect to, 'quietly' fall in love with would be a VW Beetle. Not exactly a cool motor to drive amongst my piers, especially an orange box standard 1200cc.

My old man had bought a VW Beetle, dismantled it down to the chassis and refurbished it. He put a flash kit car body on it called an Eagle SS, with gullwing doors and body lines as sleek as a Lamborghini. Give him a Haynes Manuel and a few tools and he was on his way. This was one of many hobbies, his philosophy, if it can be learned then he was going to do it.

My father said that if I didn't get a motorbike, be patient, and wait until I had past my driving test, the kit car would be mine.

Patient, I was a teenager!

Trading Standards After going against my father’s wishes and buying a motor bike to get to college, I past my driving test and was ready for a car. The thousand pounds I received for the sale of the bike in hand, I went to see a car locally.

A gleaming Fiat X19 sports car, advertised for 800 pounds, leaving some cash to pay for the insurance. It looked great, drove fine and I did the deal for 720 pounds, which was just as well, as the cheapest insurance quote was 450 pounds for six months.

The car lasted four months before the clutch went, and I had to call the AA from the hard shoulder of the M1 motorway.

My old man freed up the clutch, and insisted that we drive it down to the nearest car sales to do a deal with a more sensible car that he had seen, if there were any problems he could fix it without any costly garage bills.

When we pulled up at the garage, I knew straight away which car he had his eyes on and no amount of begging was going to work. Tough love I think they call it.

The salesman couldn’t get in the Fiat fast enough, and drove it around the block. He climbed out, declared his wife would like it, and we did a straight swap deal. The bright orange VW was on at 900 pounds so away we went.

After a verbal battering on the way home from my father, at how bad my driving was, something he would still suggest to this day. I got the hang of driving the antiquated controls, loose gear stick, the noisy windscreen wipers and the screen wash working off the air pressure from the spare tyre in the front boot. At that moment it didn’t seem quaint, cute or funny, even my mother struggled to hide her smirk from me when first seeing it.

Two weeks’ later, a man from the trading standards knocked at the door to get a statement off of me. Apparently, the car salesman sold the Fiat to a couple that had spent their life savings on the car and it had broken down a day later. On further inspection, there were 36 un-roadworthy things wrong with it, and you would be hard pressed to stick a magnet to most of the body work. All that because I didn’t listen to the old man – talk about the butterfly effect.

My mother plied the official with tea and digestives and made sure I was blameless. The couple sued the car sales, which closed down, and I drove the beetle through four seasons without a problem.

I eventually sold it for twelve hundred pounds, and put the cash to another awesome vehicle, a Toyota Hilux Pick up truck.

I missed the Beetle and over there years bought four. I think only people who have owned one and refurbished them can understand where I’m coming from, as I write this I’m adding a Beetle to my amazon wish list that’s the 1302 s, preferably not in Orange.

My father did give me his kit car to drive, and it was awesome, people looking at you, being so young I lapped it up on a weekend away to Lancashire. One the way back, I got a lift from the AA and I’m sure it was the same place on the motorway as a year before. The oil pump went but my father suggested I didn’t put any oil in the car. He was fuming and sold it–yet another one of those things to add to his list of disappointments. My mother took his mind off of it, she had her eye on a hotel that needed refurbishing, and there were plenty of books out there on that subject to get his teeth into.



36 in. x 24 in.
Buy This at

Fiat X19

VW Beetle Pick Up

Toyota Hi Lux

Dog Waiting on Back of Ute
Dog Waiting on…
Andrew Bain
24 in. x 18 in.
Buy This at

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Beach Life Spain

Days out with Family and Friends.

I think it's safe to say that beach life is similar the world over: sunbathing, swimming, sandcastles, picnics and beach games at the top of the list. Certain people focus on one of these more than others. Some Spanish people for example, haul enough equipment and food to make you think they are in fact a Hollywood film production company: tables, chairs, umbrellas, portable hammocks and golf trollies, stacked with cool boxes.

These large family groups settle in for the day, where as some do it in shifts, late morning till 1 o'clock, and 4 o'clock to late evening. If the beach has a Chiringuito (beach bar), then it can turn into a late night.

Playing on the Playa

Every other week we hit the beach, and when we go with our Spanish friends, it’s normally in the afternoon.

Of course, the beach isn’t for everyone. I can’t seem to find a phobia for the fear of beaches, the nearest I have gotten is:

Hydrophobia: fear of water, to drink or to swim in.

Thalassophobia is fear of the sea and Eremikophobia is fear of sand.

Galeophobia: fear of sharks, on a boat, visiting an aquarium, on a beach, or watching shark movies.

(PLAYA) BON NOU beach is south of Villajoyosa, and is my favourite beach in Alicante. A small cove with clear water, remains shallow feathering out for a few meters, which is great for the kids to paddle in. The beach has foot washes, toilets, lifeguards and has been awarded the blue flag.

A train station is nearby and in walking distance, access from the N332 by car, with plenty of parking spaces.

The beach a mixture of small pebbles and sand, stretches between two rocks for 220 meters with a width of 30 meters so Nomophobiacs may have a problem here, (fear of being out of mobile phone contact).

Bon Nou, sometimes known as Bol Nou, also has an amazing Xiringuito (beach bar), this is the only one where you can enjoy authentic Argentinian barbecue.

Gymnophobics will enjoy this beach as it is predominantly families all day, in the evening the beach bar has couples and mixed crowds.
Great food to take to the beach

Tortilla de patatas y pimientos rojos asados

Spanish omelet with roasted red peppers


  • 8 eggs
  • 1 kilo of potatoes
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 roasted red peppers
  • Salt
  • pepper and parsley


  1. 1. Scrape the potatoes or leave the skins on, if you prefer. Cut them into thick slices. Chop the onion.
  2. 2. Roast the peppers in the oven, peel, de-seed and chop.
  3. 3. Heat the oil in a large frying pan, add the potatoes, peppers and onion and cook gently, partially covered, for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally until the potatoes are softened. Strain the potatoes, peppers and onions through a colander into a large bowl (set the strained oil aside).
  4. 4. Beat the eggs separately and stir into the potatoes with the parsley and plenty of salt and pepper. Heat a little of the strained oil in a smaller pan. Tip everything into the pan and cook on a moderate heat, using a spatula to shape the omelette into a circle.
  5. 5. When almost set, flip onto a plate and slide back into the pan and cook a few more minutes. Flip twice more, cooking the omelette briefly each time and pressing the edges to keep the circle shape. Slide on to a plate and cool before putting in containers for the beach.

Perishable Art

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Strange Fiestas Spain

La Fiesta de los Nanos en Cocentaina Spain

Cocentaina is a Valencian town inland towards Alcoy at the foot of the Sierra Mariola. This area has strong agricultural roots and celebrates this with a fiesta held on All Saints day(Todos los Santos) on and around the 1st of November.

In the Pueblo looms the Clarrisen monastery, the Palace of the count and the church of El salvador. These are stand alone in their magnificence but the real attractions of Cocentaina are the warm, welcoming and open minded people.

The Nanos first appeared in Cocentaina hanging from the corners of streets in the late eighteenth century with posters, the words and dolls were there to ridicule its political and prominent figures.

A risky act even though anonymous and surprisingly no retaliations were made to this day.

Image Source

Imagination and Criticism Combined

Venture into the old town in the middle of Lent (21 days after Ash Wednesday) and there you will see some strange satirical celebrations, life size rag dolls (Nanos) have appeared miraculously overnight and take up communal areas, corners of streets and along most of the houses. Some stand and some sit alone at a table with a bottle of wine, others huddle in groups and several hang from trees.

All share in common Valencian scribed tags, some large boards and others pinned to their clothes, the majority of the messages are pointing at famous celebrities and local politicians using imagination and criticism combined.

Now days the tradition is an event covered by the media and children are encouraged to take part yet this semi commercialisation doesn’t distort the true purpose of the Nanos to get across the common man’s feelings toward certain prominent figures. Some messages poke fun and some criticise individuals with caricatures included on the particular Nanos, from as simple as a mustache to a recognisable effigy and as from the beginning no reprisals are sort after, all are taking in fun.
Image Source

Dolls are placed everywhere


La Fiesta de los Nanos en Cocentaina

Having a chat

The press comes to town

Crazy Festival Spain 

 Haro Wine Festival - Batalla de Vino (Battle of Wine)

Haro in Northern Spain, is in the middle of the wine growing region of La Rioja, and home to the annual Haro Wine Festival and the Batalla del Vino. Where the locals all arm themselves with water pistols, and splash each other with tens of thousands of litres of wine, turning everything purple.

Spain is not short of crazy festivals, but what seems silly to some, is part of the culture and traditional to others.

Of course, there are those that staunchly support this festival just for the wine - owe but for the wine.


La Rioja Wine

I remember first hearing about Rioja in a Chinese restaurant in Nottingham England. A friend at the time was having a surprise anniversary bash for his wife, and I had drove up from London and sat at a large round table, set for five couples, three of which were already there.

We had something in common, all trying to avoid sounding pretentious, admitting that we all liked French wine, and decided to order a couple of bottles of Chateau Lafite Rothschild. The absent seats were filled by a couple who made an entrance, fresh in from Tenerife, suntans and blinged out.

A forty-something fella, accompanied by a rather younger provocatively dressed twenty-something blond – we tried to ignore the cliché, but the first thing they did was spin the centerpiece, grab one of the bottles (we had opened to breath), and splash it into their glasses, without a breath downed the wine and declared, to the rest of the table “it aint quite a Rioja but it will have to do”

Now there is Rioja and there’s Rioja – I later discovered.


Haro Wine Festival

Researching for this Lens, I asked my significant other if she had heard of any crazy weird or strange holidays festivals that was going down in June, she replied “yes euro 2012 football/Soccer” – So no then.

My neighbour on the other hand, couldn’t wait to tell me about his home town of Haro in the Rioja wine region. He jumps up, and goes next door, and reappears, grinning shinny eyed, clutching two bottles of wine he had made himself, declaring this is the wine he used to throw about in the Batalla de Vino (Battle of Wine) I remember most of what he said..

Fiesta del Vino de Haro the 29th of June is penned in on all the calendars of this town, celebrating San Pedro and as usual in a Spanish fiesta it has parades and a battle.

The village parades up to the small chapel with the statue of San Felices led by the mayor on horseback, after placing the city’s flag at the top of the rock, the battle commences all the way back to the Town’s Bullring.

There are windmills, but no Don Quixote, as arms spin around throwing buckets of vino on each other, and some stories are best left unmentioned. When the levels of testosterone and home brew splash about, especially when a quaff of suppressed rivalry rears its head.

This all sounds a bit silly, but watching my neighbour tell his stories with passion and a nostalgic tear, coupled with the fact that I have been to a lot of Spanish fiestas, I would suggest it’s worth a visit.


 Colour Me Purple


The wine's not just for throwing!

Photo with permission from

Wine Battle

River of Wine

Time to dry off

This is a file from Wikimedia Commons

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Recycle Your Old CD’s – DVD’s

Artist's Pallet Shaped Business Cards

How to make an artist's paint pallet shaped business card from old CD (Compact Disk) and DVD (Digital Versatile Disc) and printing on them using a transfer technique.

There's no need to shop for expensive supplies, everyone must have a few unwanted CDs around the house, you will also need some acrylic paint, Pva glue, sand paper or small sander and tin snips or pruning shears.

These can be made in volume or one or two for display purposes only, they also make great gifts.

First of all, mark out the pallet shape on an old CD, positioning the existing hole as though this is the thumb hole on an artists paint pallet and mark out your shape with a marker pen.

Safety goggles should be worn.

Cuttung the CD Cut out the shape using tin snips, cutting across the line as straight as possible, this stage may need a bit of practice but it’s achievable.


Finished Sanding Use a palm sander to smooth and eradicate the sharp rough edge, and to further shape it, also use the sander to remove the CD’s coating – dust mask is required, and you should be in a vented area.

Some CD’s have a protruding lip around the hole, this is easily removed with a craft knife and sanding.


Paint the CD with a PVA glue, and brush a generous coat of paint on, so it fills in the grooves around the hole, you may need a few coats — sanding in-between.

Hang up to dry.

Transfer technique.

Card examples Print out your logo, name, numbers or whatever you have designed, making sure that any text is printed in reverse.

There are two options: Paint the top coat on the pallet letting it dry then apply the transfers using a thin layer of PVA glue — PVA because this dries transparent or you can apply straight to the acrylic paint when it is wet.

Cut the paper as close to the content as possible, reducing the amount be be removed later.

Position your transfers face down, rubbing out any air bubbles, flattening. At this stage you need to be careful not to smudge the paint if you have allotted to go straight onto the acrylic.

If you are using an ink-jet printer, you will only have to wait about an hour or two for the PVA to dry and for the transfer to complete, otherwise let it set for a few hours, preferably over night.

Alternatively, you can use a heat gun or a hair dryer to speed up the drying time.

Next, spray the area with water using a spray bottle or dab a cloth into water really soak the surface well allowing the paper to absorb the water.

Now with the cloth or your finger, rub the wet paper off to reveal your transferred image — do this gently until all the pulp is removed.

This stage should be done with caution, and failure is usually due to not waiting for the paint or paper to fully dry and adhere.

Both sides can be done.

Varnished to finish.

Faux Crackle the Cheap way

Customise Your Home with Unique Furniture Pieces

Crackle is a perfect finish for transforming a shabby and boring piece of furniture into an aged rustic, distressed look and the impression that it is an heirloom.

Crackle is an easy faux finish to achieve and the technique can be applied to anything from doors, chairs, picture and mirror frames to Welsh dressers, cabinets, desks, and even kitchen units.

Getting Started

White board This is a way of achieving the crackle finish without the expense of Faux crackle paint systems.


For practice purposes I recommend a piece of cardboard or cereal box cut to size or scrap piece of wood.

Acrylic paint. (Two colours)
Glue, all purpose wood glue “PVA glue” (polyvinyl acetate), In Spain Cola blanca from any Chino.
½" Paint brush.
Paint pallet

Brush a white acrylic base coat to the board and allow to dry, then paint the PVA glue also covering the whole board.

For small spider web-like cracks lay it on thin and for thick wider cracks lay it on thick.

Wait for the glue to become tacky and then apply your top finish coat of Acrylic, this should be a darker colour so that the white will show through. Of course if you used a dark base coat then a lighter one would be used for the finish.


finished Now wait for the glue and the paint to dry, which depending on the temperature, should only take 2/3 hours.

Note: If you do not wait for the glue to become tacky it will have huge gaps, so it is best to wait for it to go tacky as it can be spread more even and you achieve a more subtle effect.

Equally waiting too late and letting the glue go off will not work either, but the point of this exercise is to practice and get the feel for the material, so you can save a lot of money when applying this to a piece of furniture.

This is the finish with various cracks and the darker back ground showing through or vise versa.

Once you have applied this to a piece of furniture, then simply spray a clear satin varnish which provides a hard durable finish and dries in minutes,

Friday, August 29, 2014

Food Bowls You Can Eat

Bread Bowls

I first tasted a bread bowl in east Berlin Germany in the 90's on the corner of a cold snowy street at an Imbiss or Schnellimbiss - fast food stand. People were standing in the street drinking and swapping stories of the day, the smell hit me as I walked past, I stopped and asked what smelled so good. A dark-eyed Turkish fella had a steaming pot on the go, he grinned grabbed a 9 inch baguette and poured in chicken and mushroom in a cream source. He wrapped a napkin around it, and smiled, a broad all-knowing, confident smile, that I was going to enjoy - wow factor immanent and he wasn't wrong.

I forked the ingredients and broke off the bread that had soaked up the sauce and reciprocated his smile.

This is not a new idea Ancient Rome and Greece used bread bowls. Englishmen in the middle ages called these 'trenchers' and used them as serving pieces, usually the bread's not eaten because it was week old left-overs and cast to the hounds after finishing.

Steak au Poivre Bread Bowl

French Pepper Steak with Brandy Cream Sauce

  • Prep Time:
  • Total Time:


  • one-inch thick rump steaks
  • 1 tablespoon mixed crushed peppercorns
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • For the Sauce
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 table spoon Brandy
  • 50ml/2 fl oz of stock
  • 150ml /1/2 PT cream
  • 1 table spoon English mustard
  • Salt to taste


  1. Cut the steak into thin lengths.
  2. Using your fingers coat the steaks with the ground pepper.
  3. Warm a frying pan and add the butter, olive oil and steak.
  4. Cook for 4 minutes on one side, then flip and cook for 4 more minutes on the other side
  5. Season the steaks with salt to your taste.
  6. Drain off the liquid from the pan except for a teaspoon full leaving any sediment and replace on the heat.
  7. Pour in the Brandy bring to a boil, scraping the bottom of the pan with a wooden spatula to incorporate all the sediment.
  8. Add the cream and mustard and stir until thick and bubbling, season with salt to your taste.
  9. Pour into the bread bowl.
Cook or brown in a pan containing a small quantity of butter or oil

Tomato bowls - stuff tomatoes.

I first tried this dish in Honfleur Normandy France D-day celebrations with American Jeeps parading down the street, what an amazing place in the summer, one word of warning don’t ask for garlic.
I thought the waiter winced at my French pronunciation but the mere mention of garlic in the stuffed tomatoes was the course of his expletive explosion and a sausage finger pointing me to Paris.
So I admit the only thing to this dish I have changed is the addition of garlic because I think it is better with and when I cook it, I use a bulb but you can omit if you want because it rocks either way.


  • 4 steak tomatoes
  • White Stilton cheese
  • Two Garlic cloves
  • ½ cup Bread crumbs
  • 1 Red pepper
  • 4 Mushrooms
  • Onion
  • Herbes de Provence
  • Salt and black pepper


  1. Cut off the top of the tomatoes large enough so that you will be able to stuff ingredients into them without ripping it. Slice thin off the bottoms so they can stand. Hollow out and remove the insides of the tomato. The filling depends on if you are going to eat it raw or cooked.
  2. Peel the Garlic cloves and mince in a crusher.
  3. De-seed the pepper and finely chop along with the onion and mushrooms place in a bowl and add salt and pepper to taste and sprinkle on the Herbes de Provence alternative (fennel, basil, thyme) now add the bread crumbs
  4. Place the Stilton into a frying pan adding olive oil or a noggin of butter, heat until the cheese liquefies then add the above ingredients constantly staring for a few minutes.
  5. Spoon the filling into the tomatoes to the top and drizzles a little olive oil.
  6. Pre-heat the oven to 200°C
  7. Place the tomatoes in the oven for 10 minutes lightly brown and serve warm.
  8. This is also a great combination for stuffed peppers swap the tomatoes for peppers.
  9. Try this cold by adding tuna, cold meats and various cheeses. pasta with sauce chicken and vegetables. You could fill several tomatoes with different dips, dressing, or salsas.

Sopa do Mar no Pão - Sea Soup in Bread

This is a Portuguese bread bowl

Large bread loaf, hollowed out and filled with a delicious seafood soup.


  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 garlic cloves crushed
  • 1 small onion chopped
  • 1 bulb fennel coarsely chopped
  • 300 ml of white wine
  • 900 ml of fish stock
  • 125 g of shells - clams
  • 450 g skinless sea bass fillets cut into cubes
  • 2 tomatoes peeled and deseeded
  • 1 tablespoon of corn flour
  • 120 g shrimp peeled and cooked
  • 2 tablespoons cream
  • 2 tablespoons chopped parsley
  • Salt and pepper


  1. Heat the oil in a pan add the garlic and chopped onion fry for 5 minutes until soft
  2. Stair in the wine and fish stock, bring to the boil and add in the fennel
  3. Turned down the heat to a simmer and add the fish cubes, clams and tomatoes
  4. Add two tablespoons of water and the flour raising the heat and starring constantly now add the shrimp and cook for a further minute and stair in the cream and parsley.
  5. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
  6. Now pour in to the bread bowl and serve.

Iced bowls and fruits in Jelly

You will need:

A large bowl
Small bowl
Sliced raspberries and kiwi fruits

Put the sliced raspberries and kiwi fruit along the side of the bowl lining it and on the bottom.

Place the second smaller bowl inside the larger one and fill the gap between each bowl with water weighing down the smaller bowl if it floats also with water, you want an even gap all the way around.

Place into the freezer. Once frozen remove the small bowl and then the now ice bowl place this on a flat plate and serve a dessert or ice cream.

Fruits in Jelly
  • Serves: 6
  • Prep Time:
  • Total Time:


  • 1 tin of strawberries
  • 1 tin of mandarins
  • 1 table spoon of gelatine


  1. Drain the strawberries and mandarins keeping the syrup in separate bowls and Sprinkle on ½ table spoon of gelatine over each syrup bowl.
  2. Dissolve using a double boiler (by placing the bowls into water simmering in a large pan) and cool.
  3. Place individual fruits in ice-cube trays or small metal or chocolate moulds. Top up each one with its own syrup and place in the fridge to chill until set solid
  4. Place the moulds in hot water and ease out with a knife.
  5. Place on the ice bowls and decorate with a mint sprig.
  6. Note:
  7. Any tinned fruit are suitable as long as they are in syrup fruits in natural juices cloud the jelly.

Top Ten Dogs For Men

Top Ten Dogs For Men

Labradoodle Breeders Stunning Australian Labradoodles Puppies Available
Potty Train Your Dog Fast Within 6 days, your dog will never pee and poop inside again - ever.
Lion Conservation Work Volunteer at Wildlife Projects & Big 5 Game Reserves in Africa!

Man's Best Friend

To refer to a dog as a man dog, is just to suggest that these breeds of dogs would be more suited to some male lifestyles than other dogs.

I didn't really think of myself as a dog person, not until I got what is referred to as a man dog. Growing up, my parents had three Yorkshire terriers and even though they were fun when I was a younger child, as I became a teenager I had no interest or patience for the terriers, they become more of an annoyance, especially having to clean up after them, as they would be in doors for long periods of time alone, away from humans at least.

A couple of years ago my wife came home with a puppy, you could hear the commotion as she rushed up the path with our daughter. She walked in the door and thrust the most sorrowful looking hound I'd ever seen in front of me. The dog's head was the same size as her body and her ears seemed to touch the floor, she shaking and scared, after seeing her stood there like she was alone in the world. The question ?can we keep her' was rhetorical. Lucky for me she grew into a man dog, a Rhodesian Ridgeback. Which was just as well, to keep her company, the rationale; we adopted another dog, a rat-esque Heinz 57, named Roxey.

They say that you can tell a lot about a person from the car they drive, the books they read, the company they keep and their choice of dog. Is there a relevance to a man's choice of hound for his BFF and what type of personality he has.

Here are my top ten breeds, historically favoured by men that suit certain lifestyles. I would suggest as a potential partner his lifestyle choices should be scrutinised not his embarras de choix; or four legged friend, if you want to know something about his persona.

Rhodesian Ridgeback

African Lion Hound Referred to as Lion fighters, named so because Lions were afraid of them as they were used to keep the lions at bay until the hunters arrived on the scene, they were also used to hunt other big game and are said to be fierce enough to kill a baboon on their own.

Kennel comment: these Dogs don’t need much exercise but of course they benefit from it according to the dog whisperer, exercise seems to be the key to most dog problems.

I have one of these hounds, okay with a whiff of boxer in her, she stays close to the house, buries bones and then digs them up to check it’s still there, guards it for hours and then decides to eat it. which is good on a Sunday when you Just want to chill and have no attention seeking hound dogging you for love.

More Information on the Ridgeback

Image Source

Rhodesian Ridgeback

Bull Terrier and Miniatura

Pit Bull English Bull Terrier also known as the Bull Terrier, Pit Bull, American Pit Bull they have a pointed nose and beady triangle-shaped eyes.

I couldn't mention the Pit Bull without visiting the phrase: ‘It's not how big the dog is in the fight, it's how big the fight is in the dog.’

For its size ratio, Bull terriers are the ultimate power packer, solid muscle dogs. They can also be stubborn and comical. The Bull terrier has had a bad rap for a long time because certain previous owners chose to train them, torment them and brutalise them in the name of toughening them up. Which, inevitable made them vicious. If any dog is treated this way the same effect would happen.

On the flip side if these dogs are treated right, with some affection, the dog will reciprocate. Bull terriers are best integrated with other dogs from an early age because they do have a natural protective nature, which can become fierce.

More Information on the Bull Terrier

Image Source

Man's Best Friend

To refer to a dog as a man dog, is just to suggest that these breeds of dogs would be more suited to some male lifestyles than other dogs.

I didn't really think of myself as a dog person, not until I got what is referred to as a man dog. Growing up, my parents had three Yorkshire terriers and even though they were fun when I was a younger child, as I became a teenager I had no interest or patience for the terriers, they become more of an annoyance, especially having to clean up after them, as they would be in doors for long periods of time alone, away from humans at least.

A couple of years ago my wife came home with a puppy, you could hear the commotion as she rushed up the path with our daughter. She walked in the door and thrust the most sorrowful looking hound I'd ever seen in front of me. The dog's head was the same size as her body and her ears seemed to touch the floor, she shaking and scared, after seeing her stood there like she was alone in the world. The question ?can we keep her' was rhetorical. Lucky for me she grew into a man dog, a Rhodesian Ridgeback. Which was just as well, to keep her company, the rationale; we adopted another dog, a rat-esque Heinz 57, named Roxey.

They say that you can tell a lot about a person from the car they drive, the books they read, the company they keep and their choice of dog. Is there a relevance to a man's choice of hound for his BFF and what type of personality he has.

Here are my top ten breeds, historically favoured by men that suit certain lifestyles. I would suggest as a potential partner his lifestyle choices should be scrutinised not his embarras de choix; or four legged friend, if you want to know something about his persona.

Rhodesian Ridgeback

African Lion Hound Referred to as Lion fighters, named so because Lions were afraid of them as they were used to keep the lions at bay until the hunters arrived on the scene, they were also used to hunt other big game and are said to be fierce enough to kill a baboon on their own.

Kennel comment: these Dogs don’t need much exercise but of course they benefit from it according to the dog whisperer, exercise seems to be the key to most dog problems.

I have one of these hounds, okay with a whiff of boxer in her, she stays close to the house, buries bones and then digs them up to check it’s still there, guards it for hours and then decides to eat it. which is good on a Sunday when you Just want to chill and have no attention seeking hound dogging you for love.

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Rhodesian Ridgeback

Bull Terrier and Miniatura

Pit Bull English Bull Terrier also known as the Bull Terrier, Pit Bull, American Pit Bull they have a pointed nose and beady triangle-shaped eyes.

I couldn't mention the Pit Bull without visiting the phrase: ‘It's not how big the dog is in the fight, it's how big the fight is in the dog.’

For its size ratio, Bull terriers are the ultimate power packer, solid muscle dogs. They can also be stubborn and comical. The Bull terrier has had a bad rap for a long time because certain previous owners chose to train them, torment them and brutalise them in the name of toughening them up. Which, inevitable made them vicious. If any dog is treated this way the same effect would happen.

On the flip side if these dogs are treated right, with some affection, the dog will reciprocate. Bull terriers are best integrated with other dogs from an early age because they do have a natural protective nature, which can become fierce.

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Bull Terrier Brand

Doberman Pinscher Doberman Pinschers are used as guard and police dogs. The US Marines in WW2 trained them as attack dogs and the Germans soldiers referred to them as “Teufelshunde”, Devil Dogs, which they also referred to US marines as in the 1st world war, because of the high ferocity of their fighting. Now days these are extremely popular dogs in the USA and around the world and are well behaved pets.

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Greyhound On land, only a cheetah can accelerate faster over a short distance, greyhounds can reach average speeds of 43 mph. These dogs are said to be loyal and loving dogs and sensitive, they only need half hour exercise and can sleep for most of the day so these can be kept in apartments.

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Greyhound Obstacle Race

Staffordshire Bull Terrier Another dog that has had negative press in the past, but still remain a popular breed in the UK.
They can either take a lot of exercise or not, this muscular dog is intelligent and loyal. These dogs are closely related to the Bull Terrier and share its dog fighting ancestry; although these dogs are fearless they are a stable breed and can be affectionate, both with its human owners and other dogs.

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Red Staffordshire Bull

Jack Russell Terrier The Russel terrier or Jack Russel, came from an early 19th century dog breeder called Reverend John Russell. These dogs are said to be one of the most intelligent pure breed dogs and need a lot of attention and exercise. Suited for the more adventurous and physical owners.

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Weimaraner,_a_long-haired_female_Weimaraner_%282005%29.jpg Also a big game hunter, including bears, Weimaraner dogs make great companions but aren’t for slouches as they need walking several miles a day.

Weimaraner where originally used by Royalty for hunting large game, like Boar and Deer and are popular gun dogs. Their web feet make them great swimmers.

These dogs where bred in the early part of the 19th century and was a favourite of a German Duke whose court was in Weimar.

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Border Collie Border Collies are working dogs and were used to herd sheep and other livestock on the Anglo-Scottish border, hence the name. Collies are acrobatic and energetic and said to be the most intelligent dogs in the world, extremely focused and loyal.

These dogs need a lot of attention, so they would suit the more athletic and someone with spare time, or who can make time, like the unemployed or self-employed.

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Border Collie Puppies

German Shepherd German Shepherd or Alsatian is originally from Germany as its name suggest and was used as a herding dog.

This dog is very popular and extremely obedient and protective of its owners, they are a favourite among the military and Police and the highest registered dog in the USA. These dogs, like most, can be trained to be an affectionate companion or a scary vicious dog. Which one, says a lot about the owner.

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Two German Shepherd Puppys

Dog Holding American Flag

I'll Be Your Dog

Bulldog Bulldog also known as British Bulldog and variations like the American Bulldog and the French Bulldog. This is not a sporting dog, intolerant to heat and known for their stubbornness. They are ideal for indoors types and couch potatoes.

The Bulldog is a popular mascot dog in America, used by several Universities and is also synonymous with Sir Winston Churchill and representative of England. It is also the official mascot of the US Marine Corps.

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Dogs Playing Poker

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