I've started submitting some designs on
Crowdspring; I like their site set up it's user friendly and on the
site they have a writer section, so I checked it out, and one section
is for naming companies. I had a go and I've just been told I won –
that was a quick 300 dollars.
My latest Squidoo lenses include thebest School bags, and on a more personal note about the time I was
forced as a teenager to buy a VW Beetle and how over time I started
to become a fan of the car. Halloween approaching I've also wrote a
short lens about Spanish Halloween and costumes.
I am a massive film Buff, and have
written five Screenplays with just as many halfway finished. I
have studied the film industry for over ten years. It's time to move
to Hollywood or change some of them into Novels.
Okay so I've already started changing
them into Novels and Wow what a difference, 22,000 words to 90,000.
All though the freedom is nice as long as it is controlled and I do
have a complete skeleton, plot wise, to work with.
I have been designing book covers for
authors who target Kindle which has intrigue me to weather digital is
the best way to go or is it just a way of avoiding rejection from the
traditional publishing route. As a wannabe Screenwriter I'm no
stranger to rejection letters specially good luck for the future
ones, yet out of all the hundreds of rejections only one film company
read one of my scripts, the rejections where just based on the
log-lines and the one LA company who was not interested in my script,
which admittedly was based in the UK, did suggested it would work
better as a Novel, of course this could be their version of a kiss off
but we'll see...?